Precision technology for precision agriculture


2.7 - 4.0 µmol/J

No compromise efficiency


Unlimited spectra options

200 - 2,000+ µmol/m²/s

PPFD for every crop


Systems starting at

Our technology. Your product.

We developed our LED modules specifically for greenhouse, vertical farms and indoor cultivation facilities where performance, reliability and affordability are paramount to your success. Configured to your exact needs with a minimum efficacy of 2.7 µmol/J, we design lighting systems to your standards (while outperforming the industry’s).



For greenhouse and indoor high-bay facilities. A patent-pending thermal management system is capable of dissipating up to 745W to radiate up to 3,000 µmol/s.

Available with integrated power supply and without for direct connection to DC grids.



The Mid-Flux module is less than an inch thin for increased crop density and air flow in vertical farms, yet powerful enough to emit 530 µmol/s (and efficient enough to dissipate up to 130W).

Available as individual light bars or combined to form complete vertical farming systems providing 200 to 2,200 µmol/m²/s.


Design Principals

  • No-compromise efficiency

    Controlled-environment agriculture is an amazing alternative to conventional agriculture except for one “minor” detail: an unsustainable carbon footprint. Given lighting accounts for the vast majority of power consumed in a CEA facility, we have a moral obligation to ensure our clients are operating the most energy efficient facility possible. Our current minimum efficacy is 2.7 µmol/J which is 58% higher than the DLC standard.

  • Simply engineered

    Our goal is to simply engineer the best product for your business: not over and never under. In a world full of applied optics, photobiology, electrical and mechanical engineering, thermal management and ultimately economics, it can be easy to overcomplicate things, but that only leads to inefficiencies, failure points and unnecessary costs.

  • Priced for progress

    A customized system with industry-leading performance. Sounds expensive.

    While we could charge more, doing so would be antagonistic to our mission. Instead, we developed a transparent, function-based pricing model which results in significant cost savings comparable lighting system.

  • DFMA

    While each lighting system is designed to our client specifications, our LED modules are designed for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) to ensure high-quality, low-cost and efficient production. This includes reducing the number of discrete components, using modular systems that scale, and interoperability with leading LED and power supply vendors to adjust when supply chain constraints may become a bottleneck.

  • Transparent

    We provide our clients full transparency into the supply chain, components and cost of their system. Our transparent pricing model not only breaks down the cost of key components but also enables you to purchase based on function rather than perceived value. With full transparency into the development of your product, you will also rest assured in the quality from start to finish.

Customized to the nanometer


Want to learn more about our LED modules?