Est. 2021

About us.

Libra Design is a boutique engineering services firm specialized in horticulture lighting. We take a client-centric approach to developing unique solutions that simultaneously help our clients achieve their goals while advancing the entire CEA industry.


Dung and Travis met in 2015 as colleagues at BML Horticulture. Travis was developing an evidence-based brand to help growers navigate the complex world of horticulture lighting, ultimately transforming the company into Fluence Bioengineering. Dung was developing new IP that would reshape the horticulture LED industry with breakthrough performance at breakthrough prices.

Eventually, they set their sites on larger goals: Dung looking to address global food insecurity and Travis looking to address the environmental crisis. Together they founded Libra Design to tackle both issues by advancing the CEA industry.

  • Co-Founder + CTO

    A founder of Illumitex and Fluence Bioengineering, and author of more than 40 patents in the LED industry, Dung is dedicated to sharing his knowledge to address the global food insecurity crisis.

    Dung is a graduate of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.

  • Co-Founder + CEO

    A technology industry veteran, Travis applies his high-tech (AMD) and ag-tech (Fluence Bioengineering) experience to ameliorate the environmental destruction caused by conventional agriculture.

    Travis is a graduate of The University of Texas at Austin.

CEA Advisory Board

Driving alignment between horticulture lighting technology, performance and price with current and future needs of indoor and greenhouse farmers. Click here to learn more.

  • Bob Hoffman, Board Member

    Chief Science Officer Emeritus, Soli Organic.

  • Allison Justice, Ph.D., Board Member

    Founder & CEO, The Hemp Mine

We support…

Interested in working with Libra?

(737) 471-2746

Austin, TX, USA


We are passionate about moving the world to sustainable crop production. If you have a project in the CEA industry, whether its retrofitting an existing farm from HPS to LED or building a new facility from the ground up, we would love to hear from you.

Given the nature of our process, we have found it is not ideal for small-volume projects and/or projects with an immediate need. But don’t let that stop you from reaching out. We’ll let you know if we can help or if you would be better suited going a different path.